The History of CCYSB
Our agency was established in 1972 under the auspices of the Department of Juvenile Services. Thanks to partnerships with community agencies and local and state departments of government, CCYSB began offering counseling services to elementary, middle, and high school students, and formed our Social Work Intern program in its first years of existence. Beginning in 1991, CCYSB responded to the needs of the growing community by focusing on family therapy in addition to individual work with children. Then, steadily, the agency added additional programs to reach all aspects of the needs of families, adults, and adolescents in our community. The number of individuals served has roughly doubled in ten years. During fiscal year 1994, the agency served 973 individuals, in fiscal year 2004, the agency served 1,857 individuals and in 2019, we served over 3,240 individuals.
In 2005, CCYSB began to incorporate evidence-based practices, also known as EBPs, which are treatments that have been researched academically or scientifically, been proven effective, and replicated by more than one investigation or study. The use of evidence-based interventions is aligned with our vision to be the foremost mental health provider for youth, adults and families in Carroll County by providing innovative, culturally sensitive, and highly-effective treatment. Currently, the agency uses five EBPs in combination with traditional treatment methods in order to produce the best results with our patients.
In 2006, the Carroll County Commissioners donated a 3.5 acre parcel of land to CCYSB for the purpose of building a much-needed 20,000 square-foot facility. Because of this generous donation, the agency was able to move forward with securing grants and funds towards a $500,000 3-year capital campaign. A significant fast forward came in the form of an award from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and our community graciously supported the work we do by financially supporting this new state-of-the-art facility. Ground breaking occurred in May of 2008 and by October of 2009, the staff took occupancy of the beautiful Kate Wagner Road building. This new facility is a warm, welcoming place for our clients and families and is an incredible tribute to the generosity of local, federal, and state government as well as numerous foundations, companies and individual supporters.
In June of 2011, Junction, Inc. the substance abuse treatment organization serving primarily youth and families of Carroll County announced they were shutting their doors after 35 years of service due to a lack of funding. Subsequently, several local agencies recognized the critical need to continue these services and requested that our organization add substance abuse treatment services as a part of the continuum of services we provide. We agreed, and CCYSB began the demanding process of developing and implementing this new program. CCYSB was issued a license as a substance abuse provider by DHMH, which enabled services to begin in July of 2011.
In 2014, CCYSB received a grant from The Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention which allowed us to further our efforts towards the integration of mental health, substance abuse and the final piece of the puzzle: somatic care. Our overall goal is to improve the link between a patient’s primary care physician with our behavioral health recovery efforts.
Our Mission
We, Carroll County Youth Service Bureau, commit ourselves to provide a continuum of community-based mental health and substance use services for children, adults, and families in Carroll County. We use a multi-disciplinary approach to deliver prevention, intervention, and treatment services in the least restrictive and most cost-effective manner. In the true spirit of the helping profession, we are dedicated to excellence in service, innovation in programming, and responsiveness to our community.

Our Vision
- We will continue to be the foremost mental health and substance use provider for individuals and families of Carroll County.
- We will offer state-of-the-art treatment, while increasing the population we serve.
- We will create innovative programs to serve the community and encourage diversification of job roles for our staff.
- We will share our expertise through training, research, and continuing education.
- We will be financially sound.
- We will maintain a joyous work environment through our respect and caring for each other.
About our Staff
At CCYSB, our diverse, talented staff is one of our biggest strengths. Our employees come from all backgrounds and walks of life and bring their rich experiences to the work they do and care they provide each and every day. The CCYSB medical staff is led by a psychiatrist who serves as the agency’s medical director. The full team is composed of two psychiatrists and two psychiatric nurse practitioners.
The clinical staff is a multidisciplinary team of licensed therapists, having master’s degrees in social work, psychology and counseling; case managers, and peer support specialists.
Our agency empowers our employees to make a difference and grow… both professionally and personally.
Board of Directors
CCYSB is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. These talented board members serve as advisers, decision makers, problem solvers, and advocates for CCYSB. It should be noted that they contribute countless hours in meetings and throughout our community, advocating for our non-profit organization. Our agency benefits every day from the dedicated energies and time devoted by the members of our board. For a current list of our Board of Directors, please click HERE